living situation

over 12 years ago
imushie didn't upload a photo


35 posts

Does n e 1 c me getting and apartment in the near future? It’s really important for my situation to improve… For the better..

over 12 years ago
misssun2225's photo

Denise (misssun2225)

51 posts

Hi I see alot with you. Please call me

over 12 years ago
pennyclarkbabson didn't upload a photo

Penny Clark (pennyclarkbabson)

181 posts

alot of wonderful changes are coming your way. contact me in live chat and i will tell you all that I am seeing for you.

over 12 years ago
angel90 didn't upload a photo

Debbie (angel90)

399 posts

You have the power within you to change your situation for the better it all begins with a thought and a real desire to make things happen. Have a listen to the strangest secret audio. What you send out energywise which includes your thoughts you attract back three fold. I would suggest you contact government housing they offer affordable housing, have a look at online websites such as gumtree, check your local newspapers and noticeboards in supermarkets and community centres. Even the salvation army can help. Do you have a citizens advice beaureau where you are. They can refer you to different people to help. It is about being pro active that makes things happen. Place flat/apartment wanted ads on noticeboards in newspapers and in community centres something will come up. Let everyone you know you looking for a place to live they can look out for you. Focus on the outcome not when time does not exist.