Empath Survial Skills ( part 1)

over 9 years ago
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Madea-Michelle (madea_michelle)

86 posts

Being an empath is hard. By far, it is the hardest psychic gift to live with. When we feel others emotions, we do not just know what the other person is feeling, we feel it like it is our own. Many times, we pick up an emotion from someone else, and it stays with us all day. This is when we start questioning our own sanity! “Why am I so depressed? What happened to make me feel this way? Everything was okay until I talked to Joan.”

When the feelings stay with you after you have parted company, or hang up the phone, it is because some of that persons energy has attached to your aura.

This post will focus on how to get another person’s energy off of your aura, so you are not feeling someone else’s emotions for an extended period of time.

5 Ways to do an Easy Aura Clean Up.

A) Take a shower: Its simple, and very effective. Water is a great conductor of energy. You rinse the unwanted energy off of your aura in the shower. For the first few years on doing phone readings, I used to run to the shower after I had a very distressed caller. It works every time!

B) Salt Bath: I prefer the shower method, but, I know a few people who claim a salt bath is the best way to clear deeply and quickly. Throw a handful of sea salt under hot water and add to your bath water. Soak for 5 to 20 minutes. If you feel the vibration is stubborn, immerse your whole face and head in the water for few seconds. Repeat 3 times.

C) Smudge: For smudging, I suggest White Mountain Sage, it is extremely effective in removing even the most toxic of energies. Don’t forget to smudge your calves, ankles, and the bottoms of your feet. This is a very important area because this is the place where your aura is usually the thinnest. It is also the area most often over looked. If you are an empath, take regular care of your feet! This will “thicken” your aura in that area, and add extra protection. I know it sound silly, but, it has helped me very much! (if you unfamiliar with smudging, there is a wealth of information on the net).

D) Shower of Light with Raphael: Stand with your feet firmly one the ground, and your hands hanging freely at your side. Assign the unwanted energy a color (I am going to use grey). Call upon Archangel Raphael and his band of Angels to shower you in cleansing golden white light. Stand still for a few moments, and giving the Angels a chance to rain this light down upon you. As this happens, visualize the grey unwanted energy washing off of you, into the ground and into the center of mother earth. Here it will be cleansed, and sent back to its original owner. Do this until there is no more grey in your aura. Give the Angels your Thanks. You may also ask the Angels to seal your aura in a Golden bubble of light for protection.

E) Om: The vibration of the sound Om can be very effective in clearing the aura. Find a private quiet place, sit cross legged (Indian style) with your left foot over your right. (so you see your left foot, but the right is partially hidden. Take a few deep breaths, and let your mind relax. Say a prayer for protection. As you breath in, let your lungs fill completely. As you breath out make the sound “Om.” You do not need to reach any perfect state of mediation for this too work. Do try to focus on the sound “Om.” Don’t be afraid to let it get a little loud, that helps! After 2 minutes, your aura should be clear. It is the vibration of the sound which clears the aura. The sound Om also centers and calms the mind and spirit. This is my chosen method between readings now.

F) Singing Bowl: Similarly, the ringing of a Tibetan singing bowl can clear your aura. Take some time to be still. Sit, or stand, next to your singing bowl (you can find these at new age shops, and on the net) allowing the sounds to wash over you. Do not rush the process, you will know when your aura is clear. This is a very effective method used by two busy moms I know, both who happen to be empaths.