True Soul Mates Part II

over 10 years ago
heavenlyarchangel12's photo

Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

Stripping away all the ugliness from yourself, you learn to shine, and be beautiful. They do the same. You’re partner doesn’t need to be fixed. They are better off being left alone. When they are ready to make changes, they will make the necessary changes in their life when they are ready too. Nothing is in your timing. You can not give ultimatums, time limits, and demand someone to act, or become the person you want them to be in your timing. Usually people want to be in power and control over the circumstances, person, and outcome. You have no control. You have no control over anything, but yourself. How you react, how you respond, and what actions you take to be a better person, and better couple.

Healthy relationships never allow addictions to take control over their relationship, and they have no need to be co-dependent, Becoming a healthy person and healthy couple,letting go of all the negative belief systems, behaviors, and actions is vital. When you meet your true soul mate they will always do what is best, and do the right thing. It is a safe place for both partners to express themselves without judgment, ridicule,blame, or persecution. Listening is a big factor, as well as communication. Say what you mean, follow through with actions and deed. Never say what you don’t mean. There is never a reason to play mind games, or manipulate the situation. Every relationships is different. What works in one relationship may or may not work in another relationship. None of them are meant to be the same. They are unique. The two parties are making an agreement by the choices and limits they make. They also have the choice to disagree or agree. It is their choice how they handle situations, raise their children, how they live together. Often we have people interfering in our lives trying to be helpful and don’t know their boundaries. Someone else’s relationship is not yours.

Honesty is another big factor. Be open about everything in your life. There is nothing to fear. If they are your true soul mate they will never leave for being honest. It is easier for them to understand who you are, and why you do the things you do. They will never reject you for being yourself even if it’s clearly not something you don’t want to hear. Mature relationships are one’s that break through the storms and obstacles of life. No matter how long that takes. No matter what stands in front of them. No matter how many times people try to interfere in the relationship. It will find a way to survive all the splashing waves and thunderstorms of life. I learned from my grand parents, that real love faces the test of time. It is not about how much money is in your pocket, or how rich your bank account is at the moment. It is being rich in the heart, loving one another through the storms of life, and riding out the toughest waves together. True love has it’s own priorities, it’s not about hurting other people, or yourselves, or each other. It is finding joy in life, treasuring each other, uplifting one another. Always looking for ways to be creative in nurturing the relationship. Watering and nurturing it over time. Some times even praying over the relationship and protecting it spiritually.

Every relationship will have it’s obstacles. There just is a difference between abusive and healthy relationships. It takes time to become healthy yourself to find a partner that will be healthy for you. It takes time to make the right choices, and choosing a healthy partner. There is so much to learn about love, ourselves, and other people. When you do understand what real love is, you will never have to resort to falling backwards and entering unhealthy relationships that only break your heart.