Energy for today! (Mystical Shaman Oracle)

over 6 years ago
cathryn's photo

Cathryn (cathryn)

25 posts

While meditating this morning, I asked for a card from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck) to show the energies of the day for both myself and for the lovely clients of Bitwine. The card that flew out was the ‘Coyote’.

The Coyote is the symbol of the sacred trickster, the one who provide detours for growth and understanding by ensuring that things do go as planned….While the Coyotes energy allows you to set yourself free from the shackles that no longer serve you, he also comes in to test your faith.

If you are feeling that what you desire is not manifesting….look into the energy of the Coyote! Check to see if you are lacking in faith…or are truly ready to receive what you are desiring! Sometimes, while we WANT something…our blocks and personal barriers due to fears or false lack of self worth can prevent our desires to come forth in the 3D plane of existence. As well, our souls also know that all that glitters is not gold…and the blocks or barriers can appear because what we THINK we desire…is not true to our soul.

Take some time today to look into the situation that is not manifesting to your wishes..Great growth and understanding can come to you when the Coyote calls your name.
