Spiritual message for 07 01 2018

over 6 years ago
astromaestro's photo

AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

1901 posts

It is by the stroke of supreme good fortune that you have come to the Lord. You must not let this opportunity slip. This is your chance to secure your physical, mental and spiritual well being. You have got this blessing, thanks to merit earned in some previous lives. It is not the fruit of this birth. Remember, there is no Dharma higher than Truth. Truth alone triumphs. Amongst all the attributes of God, Truth is foremost. God is hailed as Satya-vak-palakaya Namah (the Protector of Truth), the Propagator of Truth, and the Embodiment of Truth. Truth is God. Students! Youth is a crucial period in your lives. It is the stage in which your Divinity can blossomforth. It is the right time for you to strive to sublimate your speech and practice honoring your own words. Hence when you give your word once or take a pledge or make a promise, make every effort to fulfil it.