Problems between Introverts and Extroverts

over 8 years ago
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Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

Introverts like a peaceful environment. They really don’t like negative criticism, nagging, and conflict. They don’t like arguing and don’t like being forced or pushed into things.

If you’re in extrovert you may love going to parties, going out all the time, and an introvert is very happy reading a good book, watching a movie, and staying home.

Introverts like being around people too, but not as much as the extrovert. They feel drained and tired after being around big crowds, and need time to themselves to charge back up. Introverts like to unplug from society at times and gain inner balance, while the extrovert does the complete opposite.

Introverts are very intelligent creatures most of the time. We all have intelligence of some sort, but Introverts can get caught up in deep thoughts, over thinking things, and tend to think about everything.

Introverts get mistaken as being shy, but it usually because we’re quiet more than shy. We are taking in information in the environment, body language, and processing everything from a different point of view. We can get overloaded fairly quickly. Especially if we are empaths we will soak up emotions and feelings, and the energy of the environment.

Introverts do experience anxiety, depression, and experience fear. Most of the time they are very stressed when backed into a corner by and extrovert. They can be empaths and very sensitive as in the HSP’s.

Introverts have to learn to stand up to an extrovert, because they’re more concerned about how other people think, feel, and remain docile. Extroverts tend to not be as concerned about other people’s thoughts and feelings. And the introvert may feel hurt by extrovert.

Introverts can be very empathic leaders and teachers, and brilliant spiritual and holistic healers. Introverts will stay to long in unhealthy relationships. INFJ’s and INFP’s especially will find themselves in relationships with extroverts that may be unhealthy with alcohol, addictions, and tend to get caught in abusive relationships.

When an introvert learns to shed the co-dependency and unhealthy beliefs, negative thoughts, and becomes personally developed, and spiritually developed, they can see more clearly how their good nature is manipulated, and they can make better choices in choosing a partner even if it is an extrovert that will value them, appreciate them, and respect their emotional, mental, and spiritual boundaries.

Many extroverts see introverts as lazy, not taking enough action, and believe they get stuck to much on thinking. Introverts are more contemplative, and think about the cause and effect more than an extrovert. The introvert will look at the big picture, where the extrovert may look at the small picture of right now. Both can be strengths or weaknesses.

It is learning to use both heart and mind to make choices and decisions rather than just taking a big leap without considering the cause and effect.

Introverts can teach extroverts to be more patient. While an extrovert can teach and Introvert to take more risks, and not get stuck in fear.

In relationships extroverts can be very impatient and may want things to happen right now, where introverts have to evaluate the situation, consider all the information, and than decide what is the best action to take for all those concerned.

Introverts can also take to much time deciding what they must do, be overly cautious, and if they’re in a relationship they may take to long, and the extrovert gives up and quits.

Extroverts may force the introvert in a relationship to move to fast and before they’re ready to get involved. If the extrovert forces the introvert and applies pressure the introvert will end the relationship or distance themselves until they feel the relationship is in their best interest.

The push and pull of the extrovert and introvert can become very tiring and become a power struggle to control the outcome.

It’s important to know if you’re an extrovert and if you’re loved ones or partner are an introvert.

Introverts and extroverts can talk two different languages, and the more you understand the difference and where they are coming from, it can be very difficult at times to get along, because you’re expecting either and introvert be an extrovert, or an extrovert to turn into an introvert.

You have to accept the differences and understand they may have the heart in the right place, but you may be seeing things from two different points of view.

You may not believe you are being to domineering, negative, or pushy if you’re and extrovert. And you may not believe you’re taking to much time to act if you’re an introvert and overthinking to much.

Extroverts may be teaching the introvert to stand up for themselves and set up emotional, mental, and spiritual boundaries. While the Introvert may be teaching the extrovert to respect boundaries, have patience, understanding, and compassion.

There are endless lessons to be learned on both sides. It’s up to you to understand yourself and to take the time to understand the other.