Are You and Introvert or Extrovert

over 8 years ago
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Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

Are you and Introvert or Extrovert. Many times we float around the world not realizing our introversion or extroversion can hold us back in making choices, taking action, and leading a successful life in relationships.

Introverted people love spending time alone with themselves more than being out in public. They love solitude, and being in a peaceful environment. Introverts think differently than Extroverts. They may be very intelligent, creative, and visionaries. They may over think because they’re deep thinkers.

Extroverted people love spending time around other people, and get charged up by being around others where the introvert is the complete opposite. Extroverts like to take charge and be in the spotlight. They also can be very intelligent and creative but in different ways than an introvert.

Keirsey, Socionics, Meyer’s Brigg’s show 16 different personality types.


While we can probably relate to many different characteristics of each one, we do gravitate towards certain cognitive functions. Even the Big 5 will point you to what are your strengths and weaknesses in your personality. While these are just tools to help you learn about your personality, it is apparent even if we look at ourselves through the lens of spirituality and souls, we say others are baby souls, young souls, or old souls.

We can’t deny we have a core personality, and even if we do grow spiritually and personally develop, and discipline ourselves, we do play a certain role in relationships.

This is something that clears up why we don’t get along easily with some personalities and why we do with others to some degree.

For example: I’m an INFJ Counselor and Someone else can be an ENTJ. These two personalities are driven in life in two different directions. The INFJ is authoritative, spiritual, about humanity. In some cases the ENTJ is more focused on success, business, and more about money and power. The two personality types and others can see the world from various angles. I get along well with ESFP’s in my experience. Also INFP’s, ENFJ’s, ENFP’s, for the simple reason we’re all feelers.

ESTJ’s will do without thinking. INFJ’s will think before they act. There are many times where we just don’t understand the other side, and by taking a look at personality types we are better able to understand where they other may be coming from.