Unconditional Love

over 8 years ago
heavenlyarchangel12's photo

Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

Unconditional love requires us to become purified in our mind, body, and spirit. It asks us to unlearn negative thinking patterns, negative reactions, to let go of many things in our lives that no longer serves us.

Unconditional love directs us down a path of understanding, compassion, empathy, and taking the time to listen to others.

Unconditional love is the least popular path to take in this world. Unconditional love asks us to reach our full potential while others may not ever find the strength, courage, and step up to doing what is ethically and morally right.

Most of us seek unconditional love. Unconditional love is a personal journey and starts with you. The world around you may not direct you in the right direction. It’s making a choice to stand up for what you believe in and being the essence of unconditional love.

We desire to be in loving relationships, but it is difficult to obtain if we never take the path seriously. Abusive relationships are not unconditional love. Abusive relationships are teaching you, to value yourself.

Unconditional love starts with you in the sense you must accept yourself first. Love who you are, the faults, the imperfections, the failures, and weaknesses.

When you do, you can make those weaknesses into strengths. When you see the gift of love resides in your heart, you can than stand on your own two feet, and share the gift of love with another person that believes in unconditional love.

Unconditional love is not a war. It doesn’t have to be about conflict and pain and suffering. Unconditional love can be very peaceful, humble, and honorable.

We have a choice to become unconditional or follow others in being harmful and hurtful. Unconditional love lets go of ill-intentions, revenge, and ill-motives. It is quick to forgive. It doesn’t mean you are weak, but stronger than most people to let go of the injury. It asks you to stop arguing and fighting and starting emotional, mental, and spiritual wars.

This doesn’t mean stay with an abuser. Forgiveness means there is a time to love and forgive even if the relationship ends. Love and forgiveness doesn’t stop abusive behaviors and sometimes a time out requires you to love unconditionally by stepping out of it and letting go of others.

When we let go we are choosing to love and allow them and ourselves to heal and learn the lessons we need to in life. We’re stepping out of the way instead of standing in the way of personal and spiritual growth. It’s letting go of trying to control the outcome. It’s setting yourself and them free.

Unconditional love teaches us sometimes we have to sacrifice what we want for the greater good of many or all of those involved.

What is the most harmless thing to do? What is more harmful for all? We can tend to be selfish and want something, but ignore the fact it is harmful for everyone if it continues.

Unconditional love asks us to always speak our authentic truth, and to take off the masks. We may hide behind manipulation, lies, deceit, anger, resentment, and pain and suffering.

Under all that, Unconditional resides in the heart waiting for you to find your personal truth and test everything you believe.